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How to contribute to the Debbie Ford Memorial Fund

By check or bank transfer

Checks can be made out to the Alliance for a Sustainable Amazon, with 'Debbie Ford Memorial Fund' in the memo line (bottom left corner of the check), and sent to the following address:

Alliance for a Sustainable Amazon

923 Willowleaf Way

Potomac, MD 20854

If you want to make a direct payment via ACH or bank transfer, our account information is below:

Alliance for a Sustainable Amazon

Bank of America

Account number: 446056343906

Routing number (Paper and electronic): 052001633

Routing number (Wire transfers, including international wires): 026009593

SWIFT code (for payments from outside of U.S.): BOFAUS3N

If you wish to make an international wire transfer, or if you have any other questions, please contact us for additional information.

By PayPal (including credit card)

To make a payment using your PayPal account, please click the button below to be redirected to the PayPal website. You may donate using a credit card with this option, but please be aware that roughly 8% of the donated amount will be deducted as a transaction fee.


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923 Willowleaf Way, Potomac, MD 20854 - USA

+1 (443) 445-0994  -

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